Your journey to restoring aliveness starts here.

Work with Claire

Return to Wholeness 1:1 Program

A deeply transformative 4 month 1:1 experience to help you balance your hormones, regulate your nervous system, rewire your mind and restore harmony to your body so that you can reclaim your wholeness from the inside out. This program is designed for those who are currently struggling with hormonal Imbalances, anxiety, low mood,  chronic fatigue, burnout, chronic / traumatic stress. 


HormoneHarmony is a condensed 1:1 hormonal re-balancing program that includes in-depth hormonal, adrenal and stress-axis testing.

Program includes diagnostic test, HormoneHarmony blueprint report (your personalised forever guide to hormonal health and vitality) and 2 x 1:1's with Claire.

Somatic Safety

An online 5-module program designed to empower you to regulate your nervous system, transform patterns of trauma and chronic stress, and cultivate a deep sense of safety and resilience within yourself through working with the wisdom of your body.

Functional Lab Testing

Functional lab testing is a comprehensive approach to diagnosing and understanding your body's unique health status. Unlike conventional lab tests that often focus on diagnosing specific diseases, functional lab testing aims to identify underlying imbalances and dysfunctions in the body’s systems that are missed by mainstream medicine.

Trauma Coaching Certification

Introducing Anchored: The trauma-informed professional certification program for heart-centered coaches who want to upgrade their leading edge and learn a whole new toolbox of skills to safely support their clients nervous systems and run their bausiness with more integrity, embodiment and connection.

“Working with Claire has been life-changing. I have experienced a profound feeling of safety in my own body for the first time; a massive shift in my physical anxiety and the drastic reduction in PMDD symptoms. 


Questions before getting started?  Book a free Connection Call with Claire, today.