Most people live their lives tethered to problem consciousness, a state where their focus is drawn like a magnet to all the stuff that isn’t working. It’s an inner orientation that frames reality through lack, struggle, and unresolved wounds—a relentless and shitty feedback loop of what needs to be fixed.
In this state, our energy gets bound up in contraction, spinning inwards towards a spiral of worry, control, and over-analysis. It will literally make your head hurt and your body ache. The problem becomes the lens, colouring everything else. Even our attempts at solutions are often birthed from the same consciousness that created the problem in the first place, perpetuating the cycle.
Problem consciousness is rooted in survival. It’s the part of us that scans for threats, clings to familiarity, and struggles to surrender to Her – Life – Source. It has learned to build narratives around scarcity, shame, and failure, holding them ever-so-tightly as if the very possibility of letting go might mean losing a part of itself.
This state feels ‘safe’ to the analytical mind. It provides a kind of structure—this false sense of control. But beneath it lies stagnation: the inability to move with life’s natural flow. Instead of leaning into possibility (TRUTH), we hold ourselves in repetition—recreating old patterns, beliefs, and outcomes…again and again.
Creator consciousness is a radically different state of being. It invites us to step into our role as sovereign architects of our reality. This isn’t about bypassing or ignoring challenges ; it’s about alchemising them into opportunities for expansion.
From creator consciousness, we approach life from alignment, presence, and vision. Challenges are no longer problems to ‘fix’ but doorways into deeper layers of creativity, resourcefulness, and connection to our essence. They are fertilisers for our wildest rising. Because everything that is currently ‘blocking’ you is here to show you something – here to help you transcend all the ways that you do not – right now – live and know yourself as the alchemist and divine creator you are.
This state moves us from constriction into openness, from control into trust, and from separation into unity. We become co-creators with life, dancing with it, and attuned to the deeper intelligence of our hearts, our bodies and the quantum field.
The shift from problem to creator consciousness begins with awareness. You literally cannot embody a new way of being without first witnessing where you are now. As I always say to my clients ‘the journey of a thousand miles begins right beneath your feet – not 10 feet infront of you’.
When you catch yourself fixating on problems, pause. Feel the energy of it in your body—notice the tension, the looping thoughts, the narrowing of perspective. This is survival at play.
Then, ask:
It’s in this moment of inquiry that the shift begins. Creator consciousness doesn’t fight against the problem; it transcends it by tapping into an entirely different energetic frequency—one rooted in creation, not reaction (**chef’s kiss**).
In creator consciousness, the heart becomes our compass. It guides us towards resonance, where thought, feeling, and action align with our highest potential.
The heart is not just a metaphorical centre—it’s an electromagnetic queen, broadcasting the frequency of our deepest desires into the quantum field. When we work with the heart, we magnetise the experiences, relationships, and opportunities that align with our true essence. It is the centre of manifestation and timeline-collapse.
This isn’t about forcing reality to bend to our will. It’s about entering the flow of life, allowing ourselves to be shaped by its intelligence as we simultaneously shape it.
Living in creator consciousness doesn’t just feel better—it changes everything. It shifts the way we experience ourselves, our relationships, and the world. (Plus radically nourishes our health, our immune system, our hormones and our gut).
In my work, I guide clients to bridge this gap. We work somatically to release the energy of problem consciousness from the body, reprogram the subconscious mind to align with creator consciousness, and connect to the quantum field from a place of embodied power.
When you stop fighting your problems and start creating from your essence, you step into the life you were always meant to live—vibrant, sovereign, whole.
This is the work.
This is the invitation.
It’s time to leave survival behind and embody your infinite potential.
💌I currently have 1:1 mentorship spaces open to work with me in an intimate container for radical change. Click below to book your connection call today and let’t have a heart-to-heart about how I can support you to become who you came here to be✨🌹
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